
Blog Archive

Saturday, July 4, 2015

COLD is a perception!!

2015 had started and the itch for another trip was up the spine…last year it was Sikkim. A blissful journey to the land of sweet people. Amazing memories.

So we friends (BB gang) were thinking where to hit it this time. After much raking our brains we fixed ourselves on Gujrat…Modi’s Gujrat. After nearly month’s homework, we dropped the Idea of Gujrat. We figured accept Runn of Kutch on a full moon day all other places were far away in terms connectivity to each other. Pavi’s parents were also up for the trip, so it didn’t fit right to have them on run along with us unlike Sikkim.

When such a thing happens you feel like…DAMN IT!! ‘Cause once you are in IT, you just look for that one tiny escape however whenever possible. Our escape was sealed. We had to look for plan b. We got busy with our daily life and trip thought escaped our minds.
Come Febuary, I and Shashank, friend n colleague at office were talking about high altitude trekking. How he likes it and how I feel about the mountains. And within a week we decided let’s look for the available treks. My BB gang was out of this as all got hooked up at one thing or another. But people like me just can’t survive behind the desk unless we become one with nature at least for some time in a year. Shashank carried the same spirit and felt lucky for that. Sar pass was first on mind as we had kept hearing about it. Youth hostels was house full already till June, apparently we had to look for it from Jan itself.

Next up Roopkund, Uttarakhand. ‘The’ to do trek on my list. Because of the mysterious stories around it. The existence of human skulls and skeletons in and around a small lake at about 16000ft above sea level. One heck of a trek. Wasn’t sure of its availability too. But we hoped and checked on IndiaHikes.
Bookings Open:

15th May (Full)
16th May (Few seats available)

We looked at each other and next thing we do is book ourselves a seat for 16th May batch. And then we remind ourselves, oops we haven’t asked for leaves at office. Asking for leaves is almost like asking for tiger’s meal in front of him. But luck seemed to be our way, our managers were in a good mood and they offered their mercy for ten days. First hurdle check. Next up, FAMILY!! Trips around home town is fine but when it comes to cross-state and especially of this kind, a high altitude trek… parents esp. in India think we are going at war.

Why do you want to go there, there’s so much greenery in our village, there are hills there why don’t you go there. Atleast you will know people there!! What if something happens to you! How will we reach you…what will you eat! Beware of people…animals..etc…Will your phone be reachable there…! Ok you have grown big now, you don’t listen to us anymore. Look at Mr.X’s son/daughter they are like cow, they do exactly what their parents tell them, but you are not listening to us these days!! And finally.. Do what you want, what more can I say!!…and it goes on…untill the last second of exit!!

Indian parents have their own way…and there’s nothing to it! It’s come from generations. I guess one way it is good but another it pulls you down from what you want to do!! Anyways this can go on…

I started with Mom and ended at Dad. They agreed! I was happy but I cannot show that because then they will think it was too easy for me. <yea tell me about it!>

Flights were booked, gears were purchased. List to carry things was checked. All that was left was to wait for the D day to come and for us to fly away from this concrete jungle for good ten days. But I think so far it was too easy for us and God wanted some extra spice in it. And it got so spicy that we were almost next to cancelling our trip!!
25th April, 2015. 7.8 Magnitude. 9000 People dead. Thousands missing. 19 dead on Mount Everest, apparently the deadliest day on the mountain in history. Yes Nepal Earthquake. The country which was never part of a War. Well who needs a war now. Left with a scar that would take years from now to just dry, forget healing.
As much as we felt our hearts wrenched over the situation, still a slight thought at the back of our mind stayed…
why now! Around our trip…why God now!’….well I don’t mean let it happen after our trip but humans we are…!!
Mom and Dad were on pin head to send me. So was the case with Shashank. We hoped and prayed Roopkund, Uttarakhand was not affected by this. We were in constant touch with IndiaHikes to know the situation. And as for Mom and Dad each day we were nearing our war.
Things were quieting down. We were hopeful.

12th May, 2015. 7.3 Magnitude.
Our luck cannot be this bad I thought. And of course the poor ones had just slowly managed to stand up on their feet when they were shook again with a jolt. Then the news follows:
Tremors were felt in the neighboring Indian states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, Sikkim, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Gujarat in the National capital region around New Delhi and as far south as Karnataka.
As if so selfish I was my eyes only stuck to one word in the above news. “……..Uttarakhand……”
16th May was our trek, 14th May we were to fly out from Bangalore. This wasn’t a happy site. As if jinxed the very start of our trip. Calls from all over in the family started pouring in….did you see the news?? Are you mad?? Why do you want to go?? Stay back…don’t go…if anything happens!!
And my consolation to others was what I was given out by IndiaHikes…’No! Roopkund is safe, they haven’t felt anything there. In fact the trek leaders and guides have checked the root. Except lots of snow, no sign of tremors or anything felt there.
Later that night I told Parents…I have to go for this and I promise I will return back if there is any sign of danger. And I meant that. Returning back is easier then waking up from Dead.

13th May.
I left Mom and Dad to each other with a disturbed thought. I know that. But this was needed to!! After office I went to Shashank’s place. We were to leave from his place the next morning. We both were working our a*& off till 11pm to finish office work, even after coming home. We were to leave around 3am. We fell on all fours flat only by 1am. A faint alarm went off by 2am, for we had to book ourselves an UBER. You need to look for available cabs an hour before your journey on their app. There’s no pre-booking available. So I rubbed my eyes, brushed my teeth and got on the phone looking for a cab to catch. After about 15mins we got hold of a cab, booked him.

3+ am, 14th May.
We were passing through the lonely streets of Bangalore. Breezy it was, beautiful weather. We both shook hands to each other and wished All the Best to us.
We made it to the Airport. It was a perfect setting for a filter coffee. Hatti Coffee. Aah!! That morning smell of brewing coffee….addictive!! We got served with our coffee in a mud pot. Classic, just like the olden days. Parked our Quechua’s, crossed our legs….slurrrppp!!

5+ am.
Checked in our bags. Headed for lounge area. Waited for our Volvo to load us up into our Indigo. We were inching towards the plane. Standing on the ladder edge in front of the plane!! ‘Chal ek selfie lete hai!’ Khachak…!!
A beautiful one welcomed us. Shashank grabbed the window seat. Just as he moved back on his seat…I was jaw dropped…!!
For it was something for the first time I had seen a sight like that….!!
The beautiful one was about to close the cabin door when I jumped from my seat and l leapt to her.
Hi..Am so sorry…do you mind holding on for a moment please. I just need couple minutes, please. She obliged with a smile. And then.....I was speechless….

“Like the book says, he works his work in a mysterious ways…”-Constantine

I liked how the trip had started now…Hopeful things would be better…!! By the way this is only my second flight in my whole life. The first one was to Thailand and it was a night journey. I had seen more stars than clouds. And this one just added cherry on top. The clouds were so softt! So dream like…I loved as we glided through…with occasional turbulence to knock me back into reality. Soon I was clouded with real dreams...

A voice woke most of us, telling us we were to touch down the Capital of India in just a while.
Two wheels screeched on the runway!

13 years it took to say Hi again!! Boy was I happy…!! I had left it with tears!!
For this trek, Delhi wasn’t just the first pit stop for me…there was a plan!!
13 years in waiting!!


to be contd...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So after days of waiting finally I got to go live my vacations! Until a photo-shoot. Not that I didn’t like it, its something I would love to do as my days job, but then cant for now. ‘Commitments’ as we call hold you down!

Anyways, vacation was to start from 27th November and go on till 7th Dec. A good nearly 10 days! But just the day before on 26th I was asked if I could help with a photo-shoot, you can’t deny what you like to do. So a Yes! Went all the way and I went to office next day. Wrapped up within half a day and headed back towards home.

I wanted to head Coorg, 26th night, use the entire ten days. But then this happened and another. My relatives at whose place I was supposed to go and stay, they came over to our place for a wedding and shopping. Brilliant :|.
Now technically I can’t go to Coorg. Until 29th as the wedding was on 29th.
Wow! This was already turning upside down.

So 1st Dec was when I could actually travel. Well did I just sound too easy there! Well then the fun was about to begin. To be specific it slowly began from the previous night i.e. 30th November. All were happy, laughing loud and carefree, if only they knew what was coming up.

Cousin Sis with full confidence had asked us to reject night travel and take the earliest bus the next morning. And also assured Oh! Don’t worry there are plenty of cabs available to take you to Bus stop! All were glad with that assurance.
Slowly she started saying as the night grew darker, oh it seems all the cabs are pre-booked and hardly available.

This is where my other lil cousin and I started calling up all the numbers available in the directory to book cabs, while the elder cousin leaves the home assuring, Don’t Worry! :| yeah right!
Finally lil one got hold of one cab facility, at about 10pm, and asked for rates and timings. Fixed a cab at about 4 in the morning. Glad we were that finally some means were booked otherwise we had to look around whom to catch to drop us that early morning to bus stop!!
Phewww!! That was Close!
Or wait!!!
Alarm went off at 3 am. Thanks Sis for doing this, as such morning sleeps were hardly any, cancelling the night travel just made it cherry on top. I honestly didn’t wake up on my brighter side. But anyways good that cab was coming and I thought I could catch few winks before getting on the bus.
3:30am all were up and sipping coffee. As I glided over my casio, it flashed 3:45am. Came out rubbing my hands, Bangalore is getting chilled compared to previous years. I liked it. I like Winters. Took out my cell.

Beep beep beep…..dialling!!

Yesssss….. (after a long ring) a man answered on the other side with a sleepy head. By the way our Bus was at 5:45am, but we had told him our bus is at 5:15am for obvious reasons.
I said…We had booked a cab for early morning 4am around. We are yet to hear from the cab driver.
Ok ok! We will send one. Hang up!
(I was like what the &*%#!! )
Looked at watch and we were still out of harm’s way. But you can’t offer this patience to old ones. Dad came out after about ten minutes, probably his military mind calculated while sipping over coffee that something wasn’t right. I gave him a look, and just as I did, I received a message with driver details.
Call up Mr. Driver. He sounded very much like a drunk kannada movie villain, No Kidding! Felt as if I called him up by mistake, for I had woken him up from his favorite sleep.
Aah! Who is this (in kannada)??
I go (in kannada)…We had booked a cab for 4 and its already 4:15am. Where are you??
(umm... I could use more than Ohh! :|)

Can you please hurry a bit, we have a bus to catch at 5:15am.

Saar! (sir in kannada) I’ll start from Ulsoor in ten minutes and can reach in twenty minutes.
(you son of a gun :|) I still played it like God gave me pills of peace! Assured Dad he’s gonna be here in sometime, considering even if he is half hour from now we could make it to the bus stop. It was about 25-30 mins from our place.

Out of ‘peaceful’ curiosity dialed in again, after about half hour I gave a call asking for the drivers co-ordinates.
Where are you, we’re waiting for you!
Saar! I got a call from Cab agency that cab has been cancelled!!
CANCELLED! (you son of ... cursed out loud inside)
Beep beep beep…dialing agency…

I go…What is this Nonsense!!? Who cancelled the cab..
Saar!someone….we got a request for cancelling so we cancelled…!!
You idiots, is this how you work, just wait to see how I am gonna write the reviews of your cab agency over internet!!
(are the exact words that came out)

Gods was still with me and I had still, his pills with me. I was strangely calm still, not that I go breaking things otherwise but yes I was in control I felt.
Dad was...well!! Don’t bother to ask…

He goes, you just give me those idiots number I will take them for a ride. That was for later. 

But now we had to find a ride for the time was exact 5 when I had seen at my wrist.

At times on the main road there are few cabs or taxis parked to be hired. I gunned for the road, Dad ran for his Scooty. By the time Dad made it to the street I had flagged down two cabs with No’s from them. We asked few more, not one was ready to leave their morning dreams!!!

Looked at Dad!
Dad, how about I ride us to the Bus stop and you could come back home by local bus and then later come along with someone and drive the car back home. 

Dad gave a look of ‘We got no other choice’!!

Scooty was a race horse now. By the time we made it home, all my aunties (relatives) were out with their luggage. Tapped on my Punto baby and said let’s do it!! Luckily tank was more than half and was happy my luck wasn’t that bad.

Time: 5:10am
Happy again that it was early morning and less traffic! Cursed the cab guys one last time and then clutched the gear…!!

Am sorry Bangalore traffic police guys for I had jumped the most signals in my entire lifetime for the first time. Thank fully there were no guys from opposite directions. I promise I will never do that again. I promise. (This last part I just made it up :P)

Time was 5:39am when my Punto made it to the bus stop.
Dad hurried the relatives with their luggage to the bus, while I hurried to park the car.

Gave the parking ticket to Dad, waved a Bye!! Off we go!!

Bus wasn’t packed, and so I could use two seats as one ;) had a feeling at the back of the mind that, the start’s been quite interesting, hope it gets better as the morning happens and likewise further up.
And with that I was lost in dreams until a… Stop!!
